W3RGA's DX Cluster Node


Welcome to the W3RGA-1 CC Cluster Node.

I've also run AR6 and DXSpider nodes. I found CC Cluster to have many advantages over the other two.

Contact me with and questions.


The telnet address to access my DX cluster node is w3rga.ddns.net  port 7373 (w3rga.ddns.net:7373).

If you have telnet enabled on your PC clicking this link W3RGA-1 will open a telnet window where you can login.

Connecting your Software

Connecting Via N1MM:
1. From the main entry window click Window, Telnet
2. In the Telnet window click the Clusters Tab
3. In the Clusters Tab select the Enable live Cluster List and NA only checkboxes
4. From the dropdown select NA - w3rga.ddns.net:7373
5. Click Connect
More information on using telnet in N1MM

Connecting Via N3FJP:
1. Click Settings, DX Spotting, Configure
2. For the Telnet Host enter w3rga.ddns.net
3. For the Port enter 7373
4. Click Enable DX Spotting
Watch N3FJP's video How to Set Up DX Spotting

Connecting Via Log4OM:
1. Click Connect, Telnet cluster
2. In the Cluster management window click the Connection tab
3. Use the Known servers dropdown and select W3RGA (7373)
4. Click the + sign to add to the Active servers
5. Click Connect
Watch G4POP's video Log4OM V2 Cluster

CC User client program

VE7CC's free CC User client program is a great way to set your filters and options, I'd recommend upgrading to Ver. 3.
If your browser complains trying to download CC User Full Version you can download a copy here.
Your can download a copy of the latest ver 2.448 here.
Your can download a copy of the latest ver 3.0271 here.

There are two ways you can use CC User:

First: You can connect to the CC Cluster node you will be using and set your desired filters and options. Then close the program and connect to the same node using your software described above.

Second: You can connect to the CC Cluster node you will be using and set your desired filters and options. Then do not close the program and use the built-in telnet server option,
see my recommended settings. You will then connect your software to the CC User program using the address

K7TQ's CC User demo.
VE6WZ's CC User & RBN demo.
There is a CC-User groups.io.


For the complete list of commands.

If you're not using CC User to set your filters I have some canned filter suggestions you can copy & paste into your telnet window.

RBN/Skimmer Spots

The full-feed of CW, RTTY, FT8 and FT4 Reverse Beacon Network skimmer spots are available if you choose to see them.

Node has connections to the US and European RBN servers avoiding some of the skimmer spot outages seen on other nodes.

There always seems to me some misconceptions about how skimmer spots are handled on CC Cluster nodes. I'll do my best to explain the algorithm.

Duplicate skimmer spots are dropped for 3 min after you receive the first valid spot, after 3 min a new spot will be sent if the spot is still valid.
So, in a sense you will receive duplicate skimmer spots but only once every 3 min. There is no reason to see the same spot hundreds of times.
I've heard comments that this de-duping algorithm is causing skimmer spots top be missed, this is not the case. You will always receive valid skimmer spots every 3 min.
If a station QSY's during the 3 min de-duping timer you will receive a new spot once it's validated regardless of the timer.

Skimmer spots need to meet these requirements to be considered valid:
•  The call must be received by 2 or more skimmers on the same frequency
•  The call must be a valid W/VE call, checked against the current database
•  The call must have a valid prefix

Additionally, the node keeps a list of known busted skimmer spots that are automatically dropped.

I believe the CC Cluster skimmer algorithm is the best at removing junk skimmer spots with minimal user intervention.

Skimmer related node commands
SET/SKIMMER Turn on Skimmer spots
SET/NOSKIMMER Turn off Skimmer spots
SET/CW Turn on CW Skimmer spots
SET/NOCW Turn off CW Skimmer spots
SET/RTTY Turn on RTTY Skimmer spots
SET/NORTTY Turn off RTTY Skimmer spots
SET/BEACON Turn on beacon spots
SET/NOBEACON Turn off beacon spots
SET/FT8 Turn on FT8 spots
SET/NOFT8 Turn off FT8 spots
SET/FT4 Turn on FT4 spots
SET/NOFT4 Turn off FT4 spots
SET/OWN Turn on Skimmer spots for your own call
SET/NOOWN Turn off Skimmer spots for your own call
SET/SKIMMERDUPES Turn on duplicate skimmer spots for your own call, shows every RBN node hearing you
SET/NOSKIMMERDUPES   Turn off duplicate skimmer spots for your own call


See the nodes uptime. The node is intentionally taken offline for a short period the end of every month for updates and system maintenance.

I do my best to keep the node up and running 24/7, circumstances out of my control do occasionally take the node offline unexpectedly.

For a good backup node try one of my node partners
AI9T (dxc.ai9t.com:7300)
W7JD-1 (
K0XM-5 (dxc.k0xm.net:7300)
N4ZKF-1 (dxc.n4zkf.com:7373)


Spots on the DX cluster are available because of generous operators spotting stations. If you use the cluster please consider spotting stations as well. The more spots the merrier.

The easiest way to send spots is to use your logging software.
Or, you can send spots manually using the syntax: DX <Call> <Frequency> <Comments> example: DX VE7CC 14035.2 CW from BC


I'm blocking several bad spotters and known busted calls. If you know of any additional spotters or spots that should be blocked let me know.


Node is running VE7CC's CC Cluster software.
DF7GB's SkimCon v2.
Meinberg NTP.

PC is a dedicated MeLE Quieter 4C, Windows 11 Pro, Intel N100, 16GB RAM. Located in my network rack where it has access to an hour+ of UPS backup.
I use a ezOutlet5-2R that automatically reboots my modem if it becomes unresponsive.
All my networking gear is Ubiquiti, it has proven to be extremely reliable.
